Guitar Strumming Decoded

It's About Rhythmic Awareness - So that you can Strum what you Hear!

Guitar Strumming Decoded: It’s About Rhythmic Awareness

Why Guitar Strumming Decoded?

The guitar is a wonderful instrument with infinate expressive abilities.  Is it any wonder it’s the most popular instrument on the planet!  But it often doesn’t take long for students of guitar to experience road blocks- and there are few BIGGIES.  Learning to form chords and also change chords on time are some examples.   But in my over 20 years of teaching, the most common complaint among players is that they don’t understand how strumming a guitar works- that is, beyond using a few “canned strum patterns” they picked up from friends or elsewhere.  What they really mean is that they don’t understand how RHYTHM works and how that understanding applies to STRUMMING.

Guitar Strumming Decoded Course

So what is Guitar Strumming Decoded (GSD)?

GSD grew out of a need to help students understand that the skill of strumming is NOT about building up a library of memorized”canned strum patterns” that you would just STICK onto songs.  If you do that, everything you play starts to really sound the same.  Also, GSD was designed to help you get rid of the idea that a particular song is strummed a particular way.  This kind of thinking just keeps you dependent on something or someone else to SHOW you a strumming solution.  Instead, confident strumming (the way the pros do it and the way we all want to do it) is based more on what is “heard” within the song and using that information to develop YOUR OWN strumming solution.   Listening deeply to various elements of a tune and combining that with an understanding of how rhythm works when you strum is the central theme of GSD.  Moreover, that YOU can decide how to strum instead of always waiting to be SHOWN how to strum.  Simple really!

Congratulations on creating a course that I can sincerely say is truly
unique and really does fill a gap that has existed for too long in the
field of instructional guitar.

Mike Beatham

Here’s What You Get with Guitar Strumming Decoded

The 53 page training E-Manual…

  • Introduces the concept of Rhythmic Awareness.
  • Discusses why Rhythmic Awareness is a much more powerful skill for learning songs than using “canned strumming patterms”shown to you.
  • Demonstrates how to gain control over your strumming skills by being “hyper-aware” of the underlying Basic Strumming Mechanisms- BSM).
  • Shows you how to “manipulate” the Basic Strumming Mechanisms to create ANY strumming solution (Pattern) you want.  Now you won’t have to wait for someone else to show you how to strum a particular song.  Just listen to the song, choose the best BSM and then manipulate it to your taste.
  • 27 Exercises showing you how to manipulate the Basic Strumming Mechanisms and more importantly helping you to pay attention to how these strumming patterns FEEL- this is the VIBE.  This is the key to this training.
  • Practice MP3 Drum tracks at 60, 80 and 100 BPM (Beats Per Minute).
  • 100 % digital download.

I think it’s a faily well-accepted urban legend that strumming (skills) will just occur naturally once a guitarist learns a few chords…and while this may be true for some, Guitar Strumming Decoded is precisely what the rest of us need in order to progress.

Dan Tanner

Retired RCMP Officer

The MP4 Video Training Series…

  • Covers over 3 hours of me playing, exploring and discussing each strumming solution covered in the e-manual.
  • Provides unique insights into the LOGIC of strumming.
  • Places a very important emphasis on the fact that YOU can actually decide how to strum something once you understand the Basic Strumming Mechanisms.
  • Challenges you to increase the tempo of any strumming exercise in order to help put that rhythm “into your bones”.
  • Covers a wide range of strumming exercises derived from all 3 of the Basic Strumming Mechanisms.
  • Helps to get the rhythms into your body by having you play variations that you alone might not have thought about- that’s the real value of this training.
  • Prepares you to participate in the LIVE training webinar where we use all our new found strumming skills to answer the simple question…”How do I strum that song”.  This LIVE training is where the rubber meets the road.
  • 100% digital download.

The 3  Live webinar Series…

In a very real sense, the E-manual and the Video Training Series  gives you the preparation to apply what you have learned.  The Webinar Series is where we will do the “real world” work by listening to songs, and by listening I mean listening deeply, so you can decide which Basic Strumming Mechanism (BSM) best captures the feel or the “VIBE” of the tune.  From there, we will manipulate our choice as we did in the previous Video Training Series portion of the course and establish the strumming solution that YOU feel best represents the song.

I’ll schedule you to participate in 3 one hour live webinars where we will apply all of the training to real tunes.  This might not be completly as good as being “Live in Person” at one of my workshops but it will help you move forward toward becoming free of canned strumming patterns and enjoying the ability to strum based more on what you hear- and there is great power in that!


So here’s what you’ve got:

  • 53 page E-Training Manual
  • Over 3 hours of video training
  • 3 MP3 Practice drum tracks at 60, 80 and 100 Beats Per Minute.
  • Invitation to attend 3 Live 1 hour Webinars (TBA) where you APPLY your training to real songs.
  • Strumming Templates to capture your favorite strumming solutions.

Just $97 and a full 60  day guarantee.

Look!  Here’s the deal.

I want to help you gain some important insight into how strumming a guitar really works.  Canned strumming patterns that are “shown to you” (without any real knowledge of what’s actually going on) will only take you so far (and I think that you already know that!).  What you need is training that…

1. Helps you finally begin to understand how strumming works by knowing something about how rhythm works and

2. Puts you on the right track for further musical growth on the guitar- I’m tryin’ to teach you how to fish, not just give you fish.


If after 60 days of truly working with this program (no cheating) you deeply feel that you have gained no insight into strumming and basically don’t feel you are any better at it…then I will refund your purchase 100% and ask no questions.  All the risk is on me!  Still, I would always encourage any voluntary feedback that helps me make this product better.

Guitar Strumming Decoded: It's About Rhythmic Awareness

Guitar Strumming Decoded has given me the knowhow and the confidence to tackle new songs on my own.  My strumming has never sounded better.  Thank you Stephen!

Alex MacPhee

Software Manager

Guitar Strumming Decoded introduced strumming to me from a totally new perspective.  I found it to be logical and something I could easily understand, allowing me to achieve the results I wanted.

Sandra MacNeill

Retired Secretary

The secret was revealed (Decoded) and wow, did I learn to listen to music in a completely new light. I couldn’t wait to put some songs on and really listen to them and try strumming them on my own.

Norman Lee

Computer Hardware Specialist

Product Details

Instructor– Stephen Dempster.

Level– Beginner to Intermediate/Anyone who thinks they struggle with strumming and rhythm in general.

Delivery – Digital download of E-manual and video training.

 Following the training I will contact you via email to participate in 3 Live 1 hour Webinars to apply this training (TBA).

Technique – Rhythm Awareness for Strumming

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